R package
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R package
Notes on writing an R package
Yang Liu
Although ‘SHAPforxgboost’ is not a package too complicated, it took me some time to get the package pass all the cran check. Now (Aug.03,2019) it is available on cran. Install by either install.packages("SHAPforxgboost") or devtools::install_github("liuyanguu/SHAPforxgboost") Use the ‘usethis’ package https://usethis.r-lib.org/ to set up the structure of the package. […]…
R package
SHAP for XGBoost in R: SHAPforxgboost
Yang Liu
I wrote the R package SHAPforxgboost to cover all the plotting functions illustrated in this post. This post serves as the vignette for the package. Please install from CRAN or Github. install.packages("SHAPforxgboost") # or devtools::install_github("liuyanguu/SHAPforxgboost") Why SHAP values SHAP’s main advantages are local explanation and consistency in global model…