Spatial Data
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Data Visualization
Plot multiple countries on the world map
Yang Liu
This post will show it’s quite easy to download and plot the administrative areas of multiple countries on the world map. I will also showcase a bug that puzzled me for a long time and I recently figured out: strange connecting lines among countries! […] (You may download the world map from Github) suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library("data.table") library("ggplot2")…
Data Visualization
Spatial data in R: Dividing raster layers into equal-area rings
Yang Liu
This data visualization example include: * Import .img file as a raster * Turn raster into a data.frame of points (coordinates) and values * Dividing the points into 100 equal-area rings * Calculate Built-up Area/Urban Extent for each ring * Turn dataframe into raster * Plot multiple figures on the same color scale […] […] list.of.packages <- c("raster",…