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Reproducible Workflow
Drake: powerful tool for automatic reproducible workflow
Yang Liu
drake is a powerful tool for automatic reproducible workflow. I found it a perfect match when used together with RMarkdown. There are great documentations online for drake thus here I only show a simple example working with RMarkdown. RMarkdown file could be very slow to generate if lots of calculations are involved. Any small revise makes you rerun everything. When we use drake we can do all the…
Data Visualization
How to Draw Heatmap with Colorful Dendrogram
Yang Liu
This data visualization example include: * Hierarchical clustering, dendrogram and heat map based on normalized odds ratios * The dendrogram was built separately to give color to dendrogram’s branches/labels based on cluster using dendextend * Heatmap is made by heatmap.2 from gplots using the built dendrogram * The rows are sorted by means from highest to lowest, it can be done in either the…