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Data Visualization
Spatial data in R: Dividing raster layers into equal-area rings
Yang Liu
This data visualization example include: * Import .img file as a raster * Turn raster into a data.frame of points (coordinates) and values * Dividing the points into 100 equal-area rings * Calculate Built-up Area/Urban Extent for each ring * Turn dataframe into raster * Plot multiple figures on the same color scale […] […] list.of.packages <- c("raster",…
Data Visualization
How to Draw Heatmap with Colorful Dendrogram
Yang Liu
This data visualization example include: * Hierarchical clustering, dendrogram and heat map based on normalized odds ratios * The dendrogram was built separately to give color to dendrogram’s branches/labels based on cluster using dendextend * Heatmap is made by heatmap.2 from gplots using the built dendrogram * The rows are sorted by means from highest to lowest, it can be done in either the…